Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wendler Cycle 2: Back Squat (Week 3)

Wendler 5-3-1 Program, Cycle 2, Week 3. I'll be using my “Working 1RM” which is defined as 90% of your current 1RM. Today was Back Squat. I'll be using 195lb for my base weight. Had the day off work so I went to the gym early to get my workout done. Squats felt pretty good. I think I could have gotten a 4th rep out of the max weight but I held the weight too long before squatting. I could tell I wouldn't be coming back up, then again maybe it was that mentality that was really my problem. Either way, I was happy with 3. I've never been strong at squatting.

Started off the metcon with 80lb for the Power Snatch and at the 7 minute mark switched to 95lb. 80 just didn't feel like it was doing a whole lot. Then I decided since it was such a nice day and I didn't have to work I'd go for a run. I mostly ran but I will admit I had to stop a few times to walk/jog. My calves are killing me. I need to get used to running outside again for the Rugged Maniac coming up in August.

Back Squat
170x3 (max reps)

Every 30 Seconds for 10 Minutes
1 Power Snatch (80lb: Minutes 1-7)
1 Power Snatch (95lb: Minutes 7-10)

Run 3 Miles
31 Minutes

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wendler Cycle 2: Bench Press (Week 3)

Wendler 5-3-1 Program, Cycle 2, Week 3. I'll be using my “Working 1RM” which is defined as 90% of your current 1RM. Today was Bench Press. I'll be using 235lb for my base weight.My goal for 200lb Bench was 3 reps. I did 5 with mostly no problem. Guess I underestimated myself. Won't happen again. AMRAP kind of sucked. Thought I was going to rip my hands open on the Deadlifts, luckily no such thing happened.

Bench Press
200x5 (max reps)

AMRAP 12 Minutes
5 Deadlifts (235lb)
10 Toes to Bar
4 Rounds

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday UltiCon (4-17-2011)

Ulticon today. The first metcon was the CrossFit Open WOD #4 and man did it suck. I didn't even get close to 1 full round, though no one did. The second metcon sucked for only one reason. We were supposed to carry half our body weight 400 meters. This would have been fine except it's hard to hold 2 40lb sandbags on your shoulders for that long. It's also hard to hold 2 40lb dumbbells since my arms fatigue too quickly. So finally on the 3rd round I had the bright idea to use a 40lb weight vest and carry a 40lb sandbag on my back. World of difference. I ran the entire 400 meters and then killed the Ground to Overheads. Next time this comes up I'm using the weight vest/sandbag combo.

Sunday Ultimate Conditioning (Mike's Class) AMRAP 10 Minutes
60 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Overhead Squats (95lb)
10 Muscle Ups
60 Burpees + 4 OH Squats

3 Rounds (7 Minutes Each)
400 meter Carry (80lb)
Ground to Overhead (105lb)
4 GtOH, 2 GtOH, 24 GtOH

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wendler Cycle 2: Deadlift (Week 3)

Wendler 5-3-1 Program, Cycle 2, week 2. I'll be using my “Working 1RM” which is defined as 90% of your current 1RM. Today was Deadlift. I'll be using 315lb as my base weight.No time for a metcon today so I just did my Deadlifts and got out of the gym. On the Bright side I was able to do 270lb for 2 reps. Last week I only got 255lb at 1 rep.

270x2 (max reps)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Wendler Cycle 2: OH Press (Week 3)

Wendler 5-3-1 Program, Cycle 2, week 3. I'll be using my “Working 1RM” which is defined as 90% of your current 1RM. Today was OH Press. I'll be using 140lb as my base weight. Running was actually good. I ran faster then I thought I would and I never got winded once. Crazy stuff CrossFit does for ya!!!

OH Press
120x2 (max reps)

Run, Run, Run
Run 1600 Meters
7 Minutes 12 Seconds
Rest 3 Minutes
Run 1200 Meters
5 Minutes 13 Seconds
Rest 2 Minutes
Run 800 Meters
3 Minutes 30 Seconds
Rest 1 Minute
Run 400 Meters
1 Minute 45 Seconds

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wendler Cycle 2: Bench Press (Week 2)

Wendler 5-3-1 Program, Cycle 2, Week 2. I'll be using my “Working 1RM” which is defined as 90% of your current 1RM. Today was Bench Press. I'll be using 235lb for my base weight. Wanted to stick with 135lb for the Power Cleans so I decided not to do Hang Power Cleans. I was kind of talking during the metcon so 18 minutes does not reflect my true time. It probably would be lower.

Bench Press
190x6 (max reps)

5 Rounds For Time
10 Power Cleans (135lb)
10 Elevated Push-up (24")
18 Minutes 13 Seconds

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Wendler Cycle 2: Deadlift (Week 2)

Wendler 5-3-1 Program, Cycle 2, week 2. I'll be using my “Working 1RM” which is defined as 90% of your current 1RM. Today was Deadlift. I'll be using 315lb as my base weight. I thought I'd be able to do more with 255lb but for some reason it felt heavy today. Hopefully it was just a fluke, I'd hate to be losing strength.

255x2 (max reps)


For Time
Row 500 Meters
1 Minute 51 Seconds
Run 400 meters
1 Minute 36 Seconds

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Wendler Cycle 2: Back Squat (Week 1)

Wendler 5-3-1 Program, Cycle 2, week 1. I'll be using my “Working 1RM” which is defined as 90% of your current 1RM. Today was OH Press. I'll be using 195lb as my base weight.

Back Squat
150x5 (max reps)

5 Rounds For Time
15 Push Press (65lb)
15 KTE
9 Minutes 42 Seconds

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Deadlifts Galore

Wendler 5-3-1 Program, Cycle 2. I'll be using my “Working 1RM” which is defined as 90% of your current 1RM. Today was Deadlift, since I missed doing them on Saturday. I was hoping to get about 5 or 6 rounds for this metcon so I actually outperformed what I thought i would. I need to stop that.

Added 10lb to my current 1RM Deadlift. So now I'll be using 315lb as a base.

245x4 (max reps)

Sunday Ultimate Conditioning (Mike's Class)
AMRAP 15 Minutes
9 Deadlifts (155lb)
12 Push-ups (hand release)
15 Box Jumps (24")
7 Rounds